Credit to
Create a powershell file (in my case compress1.ps1 containing the following:
$sourceFilePattern= $sourceFolderPath +”\” + $filepattern
$files=get-childItem $sourceFilePattern
$ErrorActionPreference = “Stop”
if ($files)
foreach ($file in $files)
$programArgs = “a”, “-tzip”, $zipFileName , $file.fullname
write-host $programArgs
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & $7zipExe $programArgs }
remove-item $file
Run it using
powershell -file “c:\XXXX\compress1.ps1” “YYYYY” “*.bak” “c:\program files\7-Zip\7z.exe”
change the path to the ps1 file xxxx
change YYYY to the path of the folder that you want to zip the files up within ie c:\backups